Aim of this site is to provide book reviews, various agricultural articles, materials and ebooks on Plant culture, Forestry, Animal Culture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling, Hunting, farming, flowers, fruits and vegetable cultivations etc.

American farmer's new & universal handbook

American farmer's new & universal handbook or, An improved and complete guide to the treatment of soils; the operations of productive field husbandry; kitchen gardening.. the whole embodying a plain, practical, and comprehensive detail of agricultural economy in all its departments, throughout, the United States and the Canadas is written by practical agriculturists. This American farmers book is published by University of Michigan Library.

This agriculture book covers following illustrations.
  • Agricultural Operations- Root blubber mode of operating, European dirt shovel, ridge ploughing, earths and springs, draining clay lands, meadow watering, catch work irrigation and turnip culture, etc.
  • Grains, Grasses, Vegetables, herbs, etc : - different kinds of wheat, kinds of barley, the rye plant, oats, Indian corn plant, buckwheat, millet, hemp, flax, tare, kinds of clover, meadow or green grass, ray or rye, orchard grass, the pea plant, morel plant, and pony grass, etc
  • Fruits: - early harvest apple, red astrakhan, Baldwin apple, Rambo apple, jun eating apple, early apricot, peach, barberry, the blackberry, black heart cherry, American amber, Isabella grape, Catawba grape, the melon, purple favorite plum, the lemon, lime, olive and the orange.
  • Domestic or Farm animals: - explanatory skeleton of the ox, diary native cow, Devon bull, Devon ox, Devon cow, new Leicester cow, merino sheep, china hog, american race horse, Arabian horse, shepherd, Tibet goat, and terrier dog, etc.
  • Domestic fowls : - Shanghai, cock, docking fowls, Spanish fowls, ostrich or Cochin-china fowls, Toulouse goose, and Muscovy ducks, etc.
  • Rural, structures, operations, etc:- different kinds of drains, flower pot hive, Gilmore bee house, garden seat, fountain for a garden, model of medium sized house, model of a large farm house, model of double cottage structure, model of the Washington bar, model of buel's barn, pig house, improved nest for hens, model of building stone wall, mode of building gates, etc
  • Horticultural and floricultural operations: - Plan for a flower garden, weeping willow arbor, grafting the vine, the processes of budding, training the grape vine in a pot, balloon training of the rose, fan training in its first stage, etc.
  • Farmer Implements, machines, utensils, etc:- Rounded shovel, square shovel, spade, root puller, bramble hook, ground leveler, field roller, horse drill,
Following are the topics covered in this agriculture and farmers book.
  1. Soils - their nature and treatment
  2. The heavy or field crops
  3. The kitchen garden
  4. The diary
  5. Fruits, fruit trees, vines, etc
  6. Domestic or farm animals
  7. Poultry, or the various domestic fowls
  8. Bees
  9. Flowers, ornamental trees, etc
  10. Rural architecture
  11. Horticultural scientific operations
  12. The great diseases of plants
  13. Noxious insects
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American Farmer'S New and Universal Handbook... or, An Improved and Complete Guide to the Treatment of Soils; the Operations of Productive Field Husbandry; ... and Comprehensive Detail of Agricultu

Related Agriculture and farmers Ebooks
  1. Dorsett's Treatise on agriculture, in all its various branches, from thirty years' practical experience.: By Folsom Dorsett
  2. Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening

Dorsett's Treatise on agriculture, in all its various branches, from thirty years' practical experience.: By Folsom Dorsett

Dorsett's Treatise on agriculture, in all its various branches, from thirty years' practical experience is written by Folsom Dorsett and published by Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library.
PREFACE (By Author)
The design of this work is to furnish a comprehensive treatise on Agriculture, as deduced from an experience of thirty years cultivating the soil, ten years in Maine, and twenty in Central Illinois, and a residence of ten years in Chicago, where I have been familiar with the quality and condition of the produce of the West, as it has come forward to Chicago for a market. And while I am pleased to say there was much sold for good prices, being of good quality, I regret to say there was more of the medium and poorer qualities, sold, to pay the producer but little or no profit. It is true the elements might have injured some of this produce to lessen the prices.
Under these existing features, as to grades, qualities and condition, the produce coming to market, from the same locality of soils and climate, my mind was drawn to take issue on the subject of the good, medium, and pure culture of the soil,, producing the results I have witnessed on the sale of these products, both animal and vegetable, grown in the West.
After much reflection upon this important subject, and having an inborn desire to see the farmers have more uniformity in their prosperity from their labors, I resolved to write out my views and sentiments, from the stand point of my practical labors on agriculture, and the knowledge by theory, of the physical and chemical laws of animals and plants, with their relations so inseparably existing; and so perfectly harmonious are their transmutations performed by the inscrutable wisdom of an all wise Creator, were these rich bountiful provisions made for the support of His people. And the more faithfully will the farmers bend their minds to learn these great living truths, the more certain will prosperity attend their labors to secure larger rewards for their better husbandry. Under the guiding rule that animals and plants must equally have food from nature's great store house, man being endowed with the highest type of wisdom on earth, is specially required to see that neither shall suffer for great want, while under his immediate care and protection. And all other pursuits of life will be stimulated to higher action, in all their needful labors, so essential to happiness.
In conclusion, I would most respectfully add, that if the principal features laid down in this work, are sought after, and adopted by the farmers, as a rule of action, in the culture of their animals and plants, I feel sanguine to say the results will prove to be less in amount of labor, more in wealth, and a larger degree of health, which are the essential stimulants to elevate humanity to a higher source of happiness. And finally, may the author indulge the hope, that this book may receive a fair and impartial perusal by the farmers of the West, omitting all the imperfections therein contained. Believing it is from the hand that hath striven hard upward through the rugged paths of life, devoted to agriculture, as it was thirty years ago, on the prairies of Illinois, where in many places the Indian trails showed evidence of recent occupation.
With these desultory remarks, I cheerfully submit it in a special manner, to the cultivators of the soil.
By Folsom Dorsett
Following are the various topics covered in this agriculture and farmers book.
  1. Apple Culture
  2. Barn and Sheds for Stock
  3. Barley Culture
  4. Buckwheat
  5. Broom Corn
  6. Cattle Raising
  7. Clover
  8. Dairy Butter
  9. Cheese
  10. Fruits, other, necessary to cultivate
  11. Geese and Ducks
  12. Grape Culture
  13. Home and its Surroundings
  14. Hay Culture
  15. Horses
  16. Hedges for Fences
  17. Indian Corn
  18. Mules
  19. Model Farm
  20. Oat Culture
  21. Omissions and Items worthy of note
  22. Potatoes
  23. Pea Culture
  24. Poultry-Chickens
  25. Turkeys
  26. Peach Culture
  27. Pear Cultivation
  28. Rye Culture
  29. Raspberry Culture
  30. Sheep Culture
  31. Strawberry Culture
  32. Sorghum Culture
  33. Township Organization
  34. Timothy Culture
  35. Vegetable and Fruit Garden
  36. Wheat Culture
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Dorsett's Treatise on agriculture, in all its various branches, from thirty years' practical experience. By Folsom Dorsett.
Related Agriculture & Farmer's Books
  1. Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening
  2. The American Farm Book

Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening

Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening is written by Copeland R. Morris and published by John P. Jewett and Company.
Is the preface to the first edition of" Country Life," I maintained, that, in agriculture, experience must govern theories, and that any treatise on the subject must owe much of its value to the degree in which its rules and principles are based upon the results of experience. Whilst this is true, we must not allow ourselves to become the slaves of experience, which, it may be said, is the constant tendency of farming life. To this day, many men sneer at book-farming as theoretical and unreliable, and resist, as an encroachment on their rights, those theories of cultivation which seem to disagree with the wisdom of the ancients. Nothing would have broken down this feeling and resistance but necessity. When men have a certain result to obtain, and to obtain it must use the labor of men and animals, and supply tools and machines, they are compelled, if the labor is scanty, to try to devise, either methods for getting the result without the labor, or to perform the labor in some different way. If a man's tools and machinery are worse and less profitable than his neighbor's, the fact that the result in dollars and cents is against him will incline him to copy his neighbor. The long war we have passed through has absorbed so much of the available labor of the country, and at the same time increased the value of the products of agricultural labor, that farmers have been compelled to invent either new machines or new crops, and methods of culture. As a consequence, we have made vast improvements in agricultural machinery, particularly in harvesting tools. The mowers and reapers of 1866 are so much better than they were in 1859, that the work of haying and harvesting is reduced from severe to easy work, and a man and boy will now do the work on a farm which formerly required half a dozen men. In Horticulture, new plants and fruits are introduced every year: some, upon trial, are proved to be of little value, and soon disappear, whilst a few become permanent friends and comforts to man. In the cultivation of grapes, there has been a great advance; and not only do we now have very greatly improved varieties, but a thousand cultivate grapes to-day in place of a hundred six years ago. With these new varieties and the widely spreading cultivation, new diseases have come, and some men have suffered so severely, that they have lost heart, and are inclined to abandon the vine; but, fortunately, man is a persevering animal, particularly when eating and drinking are the stimulants to his efforts, and we may rest assured that the grape or grapes will yet be found which will overcome all obstacles, and be equally good for the table and the vineyard. In the Supplement, the subject is extensively treated, and the reader will find there not only the best varieties for different parts of the country, but also the opinions of eminent cultivators as to the causes and cures of the most annoying diseases to which grapes are liable. In the Flower-garden, I have introduced many new plants, as well as new lists of old friends, and have urged strongly the claims of some which I had hitherto neglected.
In the Agricultural division, I have brought together a large number of facts about Merino sheep, and have endeavored to urge farmers generally to do more to derive, by the aid of sheep, the full value from their farms. When we comprehend the real benefits which sheep confer on their owners, it is difficult to understand why so few persons, comparatively, have flocks. The Merino sheep is a proof of what may be done in New England to raise the value of agriculture and stockraising. I have presented in the Ornamental department, somewhat at length, the horticultural capabilities of cities. I do not seek to persuade the reader that the citizen can have the beauty, the wealth, or comfort of the country; but there is undoubtedly a great deal of space wasted in cities, which might be turned to good use, and give both amusement and real enjoyment to those who have only a brick house for a garden. Doubtless the careful reader of "Country Life" has found methods of doing work with which he could not agree, or which seemed to him to be better done in some different manner. To all such let me say, that I never professed to give all the ways of conducting the operations incident to a life in the country, only one way, which I was well assured would give a good result; and if, by disagreeing with me, I have stirred the active minds of men to investigate the subject, and produce newer and better methods than my own, I have certainly conferred a favor on them and all mankind, and may well feel satisfied with the labor and time I have expended. Hoping that the Supplement to this edition may bring the book up to the present time, I leave it once more to make its way through the world, trusting that whoever reads it will find more to approve than condemn.
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Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening
Related Agriculture Books
  1. The American Farm Book
  2. The American Text Book Of Practical And Scientific Agriculture

The American Farm Book

The American Farm Book; Or Compend Of American Agriculture Being A Practical Treatise On Soils, Manures, Draining, Irrigation, Grasses, Grain, Roots, Fruits, ... Every Staple Product Of The United States is written by R L. Allen. This agriculture and farm book is published by Milward Press.

This work is respectfully dedicated, with the hope that it will add its mite in sustaining and carrying forward the great agricultural improvements of the present day. To agriculture, THE MOST HEALTHFUL, THE MOST USEFUL, THE MOST NOBLE EMPLOYMENT OF MAN, rather than to any other, or perhaps, than to all others combined, must we look for the permanent strength, the glory and happiness of our great Republic.
By R L. Allen
Following are the few topics covered in this agriculture and farmers book.
  1. American Agriculture - Introduction
  2. Tillage Husbandry
  3. Grazing
  4. Feeding
  5. Breeding
  6. Horticulture
  7. Planting
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The American Farm Book; Or Compend Of American Agriculture Being A Practical Treatise On Soils, Manures, Draining, Irrigation, Grasses, Grain, Roots, Fruits, ... Every Staple Product Of The United States.
Related Agriculture Books
  1. The American Text Book Of Practical And Scientific Agriculture
  2. Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management

The American Text Book Of Practical And Scientific Agriculture

The American Text Book Of Practical And Scientific Agriculture, Intended For The Use Of Colleges, Schools, And Private Students, As Well As For The Practical Farmer is written by Charles Fox. This agriculture book is published by Kessinger Publishing, LLC. This book is one of the best book for agricultural students and farmers for knowing more about agriculture, farming techniques, agriculture infrastructures, seasons, soil and crops, raising crops and economy, etc.
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The American Text Book Of Practical And Scientific Agriculture, Intended For The Use Of Colleges, Schools, And Private Students, As Well As For The Practical Farmer
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management
  2. Agricultural Biotechnology: Strategies for National Competitiveness

Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management

Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management is written by Committee on Assessing Crop Yield and National Research Council. This agriculture book is published by National Academy Press. Precision agriculture is the usage of advanced technologies in agriculture. This book focus on precision agriculture which are helpful for agriculture managers and farmers. Moreover this book helps farmers to improve decisionmaking in irrigation, crop selection, pest management, environmental issues, and pricing and market conditions, etc.
Following are the main topics covered in this agriculture book.
  1. Dimensions of Precision Agriculture
  2. A New Way to Practice Agriculture
  3. Adoption of Precision Agriculture
  4. Public Policy and Precision Agriculture
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Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management
Related Agriculture Books

  1. Agricultural Biotechnology: Strategies for National Competitiveness
  2. Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry

Agricultural Biotechnology: Strategies for National Competitiveness

Agricultural Biotechnology: Strategies for National Competitiveness is written by Committee on a National Strategy for Biotechnology in Agriculture and National Research Council. It is published by National Academies Press. This agriculture book is mainly focused on United States agricultural problems, effectively use funds and institutional structures to support biotechnology research for agriculture, train researchers in new scientific areas, efficiently transfer technology, and regulate and test recombinant DNA organisms in the field, etc.
Following are the main topics covered in this agriculture book and really helps farmers to improve crop production, animal agriculture, and bioprocessing.
  1. Executive Summary and Recommendations
  2. Scientific Aspects
  3. Funding and Institutions
  4. Training
  5. Technology Transfer
  6. Gene Transfer Methods Applicable to Agricultural Organisms
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Agricultural Biotechnology: Strategies for National Competitiveness
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry
  2. Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics

Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry

Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry is edited by J.K. Jackson. This agriculture book is based on the Workshop on Agro-forestry held in United Nations. This book contains views of experienced field workers in Agro-forestry who had participated in the Workshop.
Following are the main topics covered in this agriculture and farmer's book.
  1. Agro-forestry at the United Nations university and its evolving role: introductory remarks
  2. Economic constraints and incentives in agro-forestry
  3. Agro-forestry, the rural poor, and institutional structures
  4. Some tenurial and legal aspects of agro-forestry
  5. Education for agro-forestry
  6. The dynamics of the shifting cultivation, rural poor, cattle complex on marginal lands in the humid tropics
  7. Considerations of social, economic, institutional, and legal aspects of agro-forestry in Venezuela
  8. Observations on indigenous and modern agro-forestry activities in west Africa
  9. Some policy implications of agro-forestry: a Ghana viewpoint
  10. Agro-forestry aspects of the establishment of the green belt around Ouagadougou, upper volta
  11. Agro-forestry in shifting cultivation control programmes in India
  12. The forestry situation in Thailand
  13. Constraints on the introduction of an agro-forestry element into traditional forms of shifting cultivation
  14. Forestry and the rural community
  15. AGRO-forestry activities in a multiple-use forest management project in the Philippines
  16. The agro-forestry development plan and practices of PICOP
  17. Agriculture, fuelwood, and conservation farming in the atzera range, lae, Papua New Guinea
  18. Problems of agro-forestry in land-use planning
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics
  2. Designing an Agricultural Genome Program

Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics

Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics is edited by L. H. MacDonald. This book is one of the good agriculture book for scientists, planners, and government officials for knowing the scope of agro-forestry. Moreover this book provides the essential conceptual and technical base for all those who working in the field of land-use management.
Following are the main topics covered in this agriculture book.
  1. Principles of agro-forestry
  2. Traditional agro-forestry systems: Prospects for development
  3. Taungya systems from biologiocal and production viewpoints
  4. Current agro-forestry activities
  5. Considerations for the future development of agro-forestry
  6. Reports of the working groups on research needs, training, systems management
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. Designing an Agricultural Genome Program
  2. Cyclopedia of American agriculture: a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices and ideals in the United States and Canada

Designing an Agricultural Genome Program

Designing an Agricultural Genome Program is written by Board on Biology and National Research Council, United States. This agriculture book is published by National Academies Press. This agriculture book contains topics relating agricultural Genome projects and other issues of biotechnology based on the forum held in United States. This book mainly focus on Genes and Agriculture.
Following are the main topics covered in this agriculture and farmers scientific book.
  1. Introduction: Genes and Agriculture
  2. Learning from Experience
  3. Dealing with a Multitude of Genomes
  4. Gene Chips
  5. Public and Private Genomes
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Designing an Agricultural Genome Program (Compass Series)
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Cyclopedia of American agriculture: a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices and ideals in the United States and Canada
  2. The Story of the Soil; from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life

Cyclopedia of American agriculture: a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices and ideals in the United States and Canada

Cyclopedia of American agriculture: a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices and ideals in the United States and Canada is written by Bailey, L. H. This agriculture book focus on agriculture in United states and Canada. This book is divied into 4 volumes. i.e.
  1. Volume I. Farms
  2. Volume II. Crops
  3. Volume III. Animals
  4. Volume IV. Farm and Community
In this agriculture and farmers book, you can understand various subjects such as phases of agriculture shift, the natural resources of agriculture, land and labor, business organization in agriculture, education in means of agriculture, the animal and its relationship, the plant and its relationship, agriculture in United States and Canada, tropical agriculture, projecting of a farm, farm machinery, farm buildings and fences, sanitation and water supplies and structure of soil, etc.
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. The Story of the Soil; from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life
  2. Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa

The Story of the Soil; from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life

The Story of the Soil; from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life is written by Cyril Hopkins and published by Hard Press. This book mainly focus on agriculture views which are beneficial for farmers.
Following are the contents of this agriculture and farmer's book.
  1. The Old South
  2. Forty Acres in the Corn Belt
  3. Lincoln's View of Agriculture.
  4. Life's Choice
  5. Worn Out Farms
  6. The Musicale
  7. A Bit of History
  8. Westover
  9. The Black Peril
  10. The Slave and the Freedman
  11. Judgment to Come
  12. The Restoration
  13. Why Percy Went to College
  14. A Lesson in Farm Science
  15. Coeducation
  16. Past Self-Redemption
  17. More Problems
  18. Closer to Mother Earth
  19. From Richmond to Washington
  20. A Lesson in Optimism
  21. A In the Office of the Chief
  22. The Chemist's Laboratory
  23. Mathematics Applied to Agriculture
  24. The Nation's Capitol
  25. A Lesson on Tobacco
  26. Another Lesson on Tobacco
  27. Eighteen to One
  28. Farmer or Professor
  29. The Ultimate Comparison
  30. "Stone Soup"
  31. Theories Versus Facts
  32. Guessing and Gassing
  33. The Diagnosis and Prescription
  34. Planning for Life
  35. Sealed Lips
  36. Hard Times
  37. Harder Times
  38. An Awakening Dream
  39. Honey Without Wax.
  40. Inspiration
  41. The Kindergarten
  42. Advance Information
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The Story of the Soil; from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life,
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa
  2. Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa: Perspectives from Ghana

Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa

Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa: Through Farmers' Eyes is edited by Ritu Verma and published by IDRC Books.

In rural Africa and the Middle East, many ecosystems are on the verge of collapse. The interplay of social, ecological, and political-economic forces has compromised the ability of farmers to sustain their precious soil. As a result, farmers, and especially women farmers, face a constant daily struggle to survive.

This book illustrates in rich detail the complexity and diversity of women’s lives in Maragoli, western Kenya, as they work to sustain their soils and negotiate a plethora of competing demands and constraints in an increasingly stressful economic environment. With extensive use of personal narratives and photographs from the farmers of Maragoli, this book demonstrates that soil degradation is not simply a function of population pressure and ignorance; rather, it is embedded in gender relations and complex struggles at the local level.

Interested readers will include researchers, academics, practitioners, and professionals in research organizations, development organizations, grass-roots organizations, and government working on issues of gender, soil management, land tenure, agricultural labour, income generation, and off-farm livelihood strategies in Africa and the Middle East.

Important topics covered in this agriculture book are

  1. Gender-based Research Methodology
  2. The Gendered Terrain of the Farm
  3. Gender and the Politics of Labour: Between Toil and Soil
  4. The Diversity of Farmers' Gendered Experiences
  5. Expanding the Terrain of Soils and Farming Analysis
  6. Social Institutions: Invoking Elements of Custom, Creating Space to Maneuver
  7. Conclusion: Rethinking the 'Problem' of Soil Degradation and Sustainable Farming
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Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa: Perspectives from Ghana
  2. Farming Systems of the African Savanna: A Continent in Crisis

Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa: Perspectives from Ghana

Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa: Perspectives from Ghana is edited by Edwin A. Gyasi and Juha I. Uitto. This agriculture book is published by United Nations. This agriculture book focus mainly on Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa. This book explains topics in agriculture such as farming systems, land use and cover patterns, environment for agriculture and farming systems designing issues, etc.
Following are the other topics covered in this agriculture book.
  1. General agriculture background
  2. People, land management and environmental change: Conceptual background, with focus on Africa
  3. Indigenous African farming systems: Their significance for sustainable environmental use
  4. Criteria for designing sustainable farming systems in tropical Africa
  5. Background and objectives of the study of production pressure and environmental change in the southern forest-savanna transition zone
  6. A multidisciplinary integrated methodology
  7. Land use and cover patterns
  8. Soils
  9. Floral and faunal diversity
  10. Population growth and urban demand
  11. Ability of the farming systems to cope and strategies for sustaining farming
  12. Gender and non-governmental organizations in environmental management
  13. Interacting with the environment: Adaptation and regeneration on degraded land in upper Manya Krobo
  14. Land use and cover change in the southern forest-savanna transition zone in Ghana: A sequence model
  15. Women, environmental change and economic crisis in Ghana
  16. Conclusions and directions for future agriculture research
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Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa: Perspectives from Ghana
Related Agriculture Book
  1. Farming Systems of the African Savanna: A Continent in Crisis
  2. The Stubborn Earth: American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898-1937

Farming Systems of the African Savanna: A Continent in Crisis

Farming Systems of the African Savanna: A Continent in Crisis is written by Andrew Ker and published by IDRC. This agriculture book focus on the reason for agriculture breakdown in africa and the solution for better agriculture in Savanna. This book is really helpful for african farmers for knowing the farming systems such as Agronomic and livestock aspects, Mixed farming systems, Social aspects, Modernization, Motivation, Risk aversion, Incentives, Food security, Land tenure, Labour, Capital, Management levels, Markets, prices, and inputs. Moreover this book focus on the agriculture research for the success in farming.
Following are the topics covered in this farmer's agriculture book.
  1. Africa — The Changing Continent - Food production; Poverty; Traditional farming systems; The African savanna; Book outline
  2. The Physical Environment -Climate; Soils
  3. Farming Systems - Farmer-managed ecosystems; Farming systems - intensification; Land use; Ecological analysis
  4. The savanna zones
  5. The African savanna
  6. Bioclimatic zones
  7. Arid savanna zone
  8. Subarid savanna zone
  9. Subhumid savanna zone
  10. Humid savanna zone
  11. Agricultural research -Research needs; Research planning
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Farming Systems of the African Savanna
Related Agriculture Books
  1. The Stubborn Earth: American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898-1937
  2. Farmers of Forty Centuries Or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan

The Stubborn Earth: American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898-1937

The Stubborn Earth: American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898-1937 is written by Randall E. Stross. This book was published by University of California Press. This agriculture book focus mainly on the changes done by Chinese individuals in the agriculture field by adopting new technologies for solving problems. This book is a charm and narrative force for helping china in 20th century for developing agriculture field.
Following are the topics covered in this historic agriculture book
  1. Curiosity: The U.S. Department of Agriculture Looks Abroad, 1890s - 1910s
  2. Instruction: Early Advisers and Grand Visions, 1890s - 1910s
  3. Zeal: Joseph Bailie's Secular Crusades, 1910s
  4. Mission: Christianity and Agricultural Improvement, 1910s—1920s
  5. Competition: King Cotton and Collegiate Rivalry, 1920s
  6. Timidity: The International Education Board and Cornell, 1920s
  7. Myopia: Lossing Buck and Agricultural Economics, 1920s—1930s
  8. Defeat: The Failure of the Star Pupil, 1930s
  9. Epilogue
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The Stubborn Earth: American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898-1937
Related Books on Agriculture
  1. Farmers of Forty Centuries Or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan
  2. The Challenge of Landscape: The development and practice of Keyline

Farmers of Forty Centuries Or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan

Farmers of Forty Centuries Or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan is written by F. H. King. This agriculture book makes you clear about cultural difference in agriculture between west and east. You can learn about various food corps, climatic difference, irrigation, agricultural methods, farming methods, and planting corps, etc.
This agriculture book explaining following topics and are very useful for farmers
  1. First Glimpses of Japan
  2. Grave Lands of China
  3. To Hongkong and Canton
  4. Up The Si-Kiang, West River
  5. Extent of Canalization and Surface Fitting Of Fields
  6. Some Customs of the Common People
  7. The Fuel Problem, Building and Textile Materials
  8. Tramps Afield
  9. The Utilization of Waste
  10. In The Shantung Province
  11. Orientals Crowd both Time and Space
  12. Rice Culture in the Orient
  13. Silk Culture
  14. The Tea Industry
  15. About Tientsin
  16. Manchuria and Korea
  17. Return to Japan
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. The Challenge of Landscape: The development and practice of Keyline
  2. Walks and talks of an American farmer in England

The Challenge of Landscape: The development and practice of Keyline

The Challenge of Landscape: The development and practice of Keyline is written by P. A. Yeomans and published by Keyline Publishing PTY. Limited. This agriculture book covering practical experiments and experiences for using land very effectively for farming. This helps farmers to implement various comprehensive approaches for getting high production from the land they are using.
This agriculture and farmer's book covers the topics such as Climate, Land Shape, Water Supply, Farm Roads, Trees, Farm Buildings, Soil, Completing the Landscape, Fertilisers. and Fertility, Soil Conservation, Design and Construction of a Farm Dam, Drains and Irrigation, the Choice of Farm Dam Designs and Rewards of the Balanced Landscape, etc
You can download this agriculture book from the following link.
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. Walks and talks of an American Farmer in England
  2. A History of Agriculture in Wisconsin

Walks and talks of an American farmer in England

Walks and talks of an American farmer in England is very relevant book telling you the experience of farmers in America and in England. This agriculture and farmers book is written by Frederick Law Olmsted and Charles C. McLaughlin. This books consists of 530 pages covering the outlook of an american farmer who reached England. This agriculture book clearly tells you American's vivid impressions of midnineteenth century and is published by University of Massachusetts Press.
This agriculture book covers various fact in writer's viewpoint about agriculture, American agriculture society, air pollution, irrigation, drainage and more.
You can download this farmer's book from the following link.
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Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Agriculture Fact Books
  2. History of Agriculture in Wisconsin

A history of agriculture in Wisconsin

A history of agriculture in Wisconsin is written by Joseph Schafer. This book is one of the best book covering history of agriculture in Wisonsin. This agriculture book explains following topics in detail.
  1. The land
  2. Early settlements
  3. Pioneer origins
  4. Pioneer conditions
  5. Wheat farming
  6. Diversified farming
  7. Improved livestock
  8. Lumbering and farming
  9. The agricultural revolution
  10. Farm life
You can download and read this agriculture and farming book from the following link.
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. My land, my home, my Wisconsin : the epic story of the Wisconsin farm and farm family from settlement days to the present
  2. Winter Wheat in the Golden Belt of Kansas

My land, my home, my Wisconsin : the epic story of the Wisconsin farm and farm family from settlement days to the present

My land, my home, my Wisconsin : the epic story of the Wisconsin farm and farm family from settlement days to the present is the book written by Ahlgreen, Henry L.
This agriculture book covers the following topics
  1. The Land, The Land and the people coming.
  2. Of Wheat the golden, and new Machines.
  3. Of new ways, and of new harvests.
  4. Of man in search of better ways.
  5. Wisconsin is a kaleidoscope of change - The land transformed
You can read this agriculture book from the following site
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Winter Wheat in the Golden Belt of Kansas
  2. Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming

Winter Wheat in the Golden Belt of Kansas

Winter Wheat in the Golden Belt of Kansas is a Study in Adaptation to Subhumid Geographical Environment by James C. Malin. This book tell you about subhumid environment and agriculture, steps in winter wheat production, stockman and climate, Soft winter wheat boom in the period of 1872-1882 and finally the emergence of the hard winter wheat regime (1883-1902).
Related topics discussed about Hard winter wheat regime are
  1. The Crop Record, 1883-1902
  2. Introduction of Hard Red Winter Wheat
  3. Recognition in Marion County
  4. Spread into the Kansas valley Counties
  5. The Agricultural College and Hard Winter Wheat
  6. Bread and Public Acceptance of Hard Winter Wheat
  7. The Culture of Hard Winter Wheat; Tillage, Planting and Harvesting
  8. An Epilogue
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. Agriculture Fact Book
  2. Conservation and development in Northern Thailand

Agriculture Fact Book

Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002 is provided electronically by United States Department of Agriculture. This agriculture fact book covers selected issues in American Agriculture, profiling food consumption in America, American farms, rural america's economic overivew, U.S Department of Agriculture information, USDA Rural developments, Farm and foreign Agriculture Services, Food nutrition and Consumer Services, Food Safety, Natural Resource and Development, Agricultural Research, Education and Economics, Marketing and Regulatory programs, etc.
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Past Agriculture Fact Books are still available electronically:

Fact Book 2000
Fact Book 1999
Fact Book 1998
Fact Book 1997
Fact Book 1996

The Farmer's Land-measurer; Or Pocket Companion

The Farmer's Land-measurer; Or Pocket Companion: Showing At One View the Content of Any Piece of Land From Dimensions Taken in Yards With a Set of Use is written by James Pedder. This agriculture book is published by Kessinger Publishing.
This farmer's book explains various topics such as farmer's land measurements, Tables for manuring lands, planting distances, ploughing, corn in the crib, span level for draining, the imperial bushel table and measurement of live cattle, etc.
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The Farmer's Land-measurer; Or Pocket Companion: Showing At One View the Content of Any Piece of Land From Dimensions Taken in Yards With a Set of Use
Related Agriculture Books
  1. Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming

Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming

Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming is written by Henry Ward Beecher and was published by Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library.
This agricultural book is a true farmers library which covers the topic such as type of farming, breeds of hogs and cattle, cutting and curling grass, theory of manure, fodder for cattle, care of animals in winter, works on the farm and garden, stirring soil, pleasures of horticulture, seasonal vegetable cultivation, draining wet lands, deep planting, garden weeds, garden seeds, field root crops, breeding of fruits, root grafting, seeding fruits, select list of apples, and more.
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Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming / by Henry Ward Beecher.

Related Agriculture Books
  1. The Farmer's Land-measurer; Or Pocket Companion

Conservation and development in Northern Thailand

By Jack D. Ives, Sanga Sabhasri and Pisit Voraurai
In the field of natural resources the balance between conservation and development. between economic pressures and environmental integrity, is notoriously difficult to achieve In rural areas of developing countries the tremendous lack of knowledge and scarcity of trained manpower makes this balance much more difficult. The Programme on the Use and Management of Natural Resources (NRP), one of three proarammes at the United Nations University, has these questions as a central focus. Using the tools of scholarship-research. advanced training, and the dissemination of information-the NRP has been engaged since early 1977 in setting up networks of research and training activities to stimulate provident and ecologically sound use of renewable natural resources. Concentrating its efforts in developing countries, where the problems are most severe and the need is greatest, the NRP is trying to help free these countries from their dependence on scientific expertise imported from developed countries that does not necessarily match their specific developmental or environmental situation. Through its networks the NRP is trying to catalyse scholarly collaboration and the exchange of experience on a ''South to South'' basis.
Following a UNU evaluation mission and several staff visits, Chiang Mai University was designated an associated institution of the UN University for work in the projects on agro forestry and highland-lowland interactive systems.
A major step in the formulation and initiation of activities was the convening of a workshop to discuss these topics in relation to Northern Thailand. This workshop, attended by numerous Thai and outside experts in fields as diverse as anthropology and forestry, geomorphology and agriculture, was held 1317 November 1978 in Chiang Mai, with Dr. Pisit Voraurai as the local organizer. During the workshop, 15 major papers were presented, an excursion was made to the Huai Thung Choa field station in the mountains 85 km northwest of Chiang Mai, and many formal and informal discussions took place.
The present publication is the proceedings of that Chiang Mai University-UNU workshop. Most of the papers presented are included. together with a summary of the discussions. This is not to be regarded as a comprehensive treatise on the environmental and human sciences and related developmental problems of Northern Thailand. Rather, it is intended as a source document and as a basis for the identification and development of an interdisciplinary research programme that should evolve over the next five to ten years. Furthermore, the UNU component is regarded only as a part of a much larger whole. Specifically, it is hoped that these proceedings will assist in achieving a wider collaboration among the many individuals and agencies working in Northern Thailand; facilitate the development of an applied research model that can be adapted for use in comparable environments over a much wider area, including Southeast Asia, appropriate parts of Africa, and Latin America; and help stimulate an increasing exchange of knowledge and experience for mutual benefit as the UNU network of associated institutions continues to expand.
Many individuals and agencies gave their time unsparingly to assist the workshop organizers: the host institution, Chiang Mai University. from its Rector. Professor Pradit Wichaiyadit. down to the many students and junior staff who performed myriad essential courtesies; the staff of the Royal Department of Forestry, Thailand; H.R.H. Prince Bhisatej Rajani and staff of the Royal Hill Tribe Development Project; the staff of the National Research Council of Thailand and of the ThaiAustralian Agricultural Project. We were privileged to be welcomed to Chiang Mai by H.E. Professor Sanya Dharmasakti, Chairman of the Privy Council of Thailand, and by Mr. Pratheung Sitthipongs. Governor of Chiang Mai Province.
Pauline A. Ives served as technical editor of these workshop proceedings. and Laura Koch, Jane Perry, and Linda Shook of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, typed and retyped much of the original manuscript.
The editors would like to express a special debt of gratitude on behalf of both the United Nations University and Chiang Mai University to our colleagues who have devoted so much time to manuscript preparation, presentation, discussion, and advice. without which this publication would never have been possible.
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