Aim of this site is to provide book reviews, various agricultural articles, materials and ebooks on Plant culture, Forestry, Animal Culture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling, Hunting, farming, flowers, fruits and vegetable cultivations etc.

A history of agriculture in Wisconsin

A history of agriculture in Wisconsin is written by Joseph Schafer. This book is one of the best book covering history of agriculture in Wisonsin. This agriculture book explains following topics in detail.
  1. The land
  2. Early settlements
  3. Pioneer origins
  4. Pioneer conditions
  5. Wheat farming
  6. Diversified farming
  7. Improved livestock
  8. Lumbering and farming
  9. The agricultural revolution
  10. Farm life
You can download and read this agriculture and farming book from the following link.
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Related Agriculture Books
  1. My land, my home, my Wisconsin : the epic story of the Wisconsin farm and farm family from settlement days to the present
  2. Winter Wheat in the Golden Belt of Kansas