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Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry

Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry is edited by J.K. Jackson. This agriculture book is based on the Workshop on Agro-forestry held in United Nations. This book contains views of experienced field workers in Agro-forestry who had participated in the Workshop.
Following are the main topics covered in this agriculture and farmer's book.
  1. Agro-forestry at the United Nations university and its evolving role: introductory remarks
  2. Economic constraints and incentives in agro-forestry
  3. Agro-forestry, the rural poor, and institutional structures
  4. Some tenurial and legal aspects of agro-forestry
  5. Education for agro-forestry
  6. The dynamics of the shifting cultivation, rural poor, cattle complex on marginal lands in the humid tropics
  7. Considerations of social, economic, institutional, and legal aspects of agro-forestry in Venezuela
  8. Observations on indigenous and modern agro-forestry activities in west Africa
  9. Some policy implications of agro-forestry: a Ghana viewpoint
  10. Agro-forestry aspects of the establishment of the green belt around Ouagadougou, upper volta
  11. Agro-forestry in shifting cultivation control programmes in India
  12. The forestry situation in Thailand
  13. Constraints on the introduction of an agro-forestry element into traditional forms of shifting cultivation
  14. Forestry and the rural community
  15. AGRO-forestry activities in a multiple-use forest management project in the Philippines
  16. The agro-forestry development plan and practices of PICOP
  17. Agriculture, fuelwood, and conservation farming in the atzera range, lae, Papua New Guinea
  18. Problems of agro-forestry in land-use planning
You can read or download this agriculture book from the following link.
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